#Firearmsafe is the only firearm education establishment in the whole of New Zealand that has a mental health professional as a part of the team!
We recognize that all the people of New Zealand should have better education and awareness regarding mental health and well-being. However, sadly for one group of people (firearms users) it’s almost frowned upon to talk about feeling down or asking for help!
We have taken the bold step to lift the lid on this subject and want to help as many people as we can by educating and talking to those individuals that own firearms.
Our mental health lessons are taught by Matt, a professional with over 25 years of real-life experience. He talks with the class about recognising the potential stressors in a person’s life and identifying the early warning signs, so they can create firm routines of good self-maintenance and recovery.
#Firearmsafe wants to ensure that everyone has the skills, education, and confidence to remain “fit and proper” in the eyes of the law and for those loved ones around us.
Matt is available to teach as a part of one of our established courses, or as a standalone guest speaker.
Being there for each other!