Ask yourself these questions
Does your organisation/business expect any of its employees to operate a firearm as a part of their employment?
Is firearm use, on your workplace health & safety risk management plan?
Does your organisation/business provide any professional firearm training for its employees?
If an employee were to have a critical incident involving a firearm, how exposed would your organisation/business be, and could you demonstrate commitment to the HSWA 2015?
Would your staff/workplace be safer if they received regular firearm safety training?
Would your organisation/business benefit from having annual records of employee firearm safe handling competency?
Section 36(3)(f) of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) requires organisations, so far as reasonably practicable, to provide information, training, instruction, or supervision necessary to protect all persons from risks arising from their work. This applies to firearm use as with any other risk.
(Braden Sloper, Chief Advisor to Chief Executive Worksafe - 20/12/22)
#Firearmsafe specialises in providing annual workplace education and competency assessments using real but deactivated firearms. We focus on the core competencies that encompass firearm safety and match that with the legislative Health and Safety requirements for organisations that require their employees to use firearms.
Once a training package has been designed, tested, and approved for your service sector, #Firearmsafe will submit it on your behalf to NZQA for formal assessment and recognition.
Your bespoke training package will be entered on to the NZQA website of recognised training.
Each course participant will receive a workbook documenting their competencies. Upon successful completion of the course these will be forwarded on to the employer for their records and training portfolio.
During the course each attendee will be issued their own individual Firearm Training Kit (FTK) to practice with.
Each Firearm Training Kit comprises of a:
.22lr Semi Automatic Rifle
Bolt Action Centre Fire Rifle with detachable mag
12g Pump Action Shotgun
12g Semi Automatic Shotgun
Firearm specific snap caps
#Firearmsafe has left-, and right-handed firearm training kits.
We do not allow attendees to share firearms as we feel it detracts from the overall learning experience.
Our preferred maximum is six per course.
“Hitting a target ten out of ten times doesn’t make you firearm safe. I’d much rather step out with someone who was considered safe rather than an excellent shot!
I can work with safe………safe gets me home!”
Nik - Course Instructor